Review of Signature’s IN THE BLOOD by Susan Lori Parks

Red Letter Plays

Susan Lori Parks, IN THE BLOOD and FUCKING A are The Red Letter Plays, riffs on The Scarlet Letter

If you haven’t seen Susan Lori Parks’ IN THE BLOOD, it is time.  To go.  The Signature Theatre has launched a powerful and very timely revival of this important play.   IN THE BLOOD is a riff on Nathanial Hawthorne’s Scarlet Letter.   It is that rare play that packs both an emotional and intellectual wallop.   A motherly one.   Somehow it  comes off as both timeless and composed from today’s news.

IN THE BLOOD was written twenty years ago and first performed at the Public Theater in 1999.  It is partly a conversation between authors from different eras.  Parks today and Hawthorne in 1850.  It is also a fierce indictment of an ageless problem.  False morality that serves opportunism.

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